Cheap Shots: Yu Ling Wu

yu ling cheap shots

Name: Yu Ling Wu

Sunset Media Wave: Founding Member

Column: Is This Loud Enough?

Nicknames: Lil Dumpling, Baby Ratch

Overheard: “Gravy is genius dressed in its working clothes.”

Specialties: MacBeth, Lady Gaga, Shoes, Running for office. Getting into concerts for free, Impersonations, Going viral, Hefty bags, All of the above (at the same time).

Cheap Shots: Glenn Jackson

Welcome to Cheap Shots! I’ve always been fascinated by photocopiers. When I was a kid, I used to go to work with my dad so I could use his computer and photocopier. When I was a kid, I liked people too. Now I’m all grown up and I get to work with photocopiers, computers, and people. This is my calling. This is my destiny. This is my column. Cheap Shots will reveal the people behind Sunset Media Wave and someday, the world. Cheap Shots for life!

Name: Glenn Jackson
Sunset Media Wave: Instructor / Editor / Founding member
Column: What Was I Thinking? A Trip Through One Man’s Unsavory Past
Nicknames: Jim Glennson, John Glennon
Overheard: “To succeed in humanity, you must dream, but not make the world within you unbearable, naturally.”
Specialties: Synthesizers, Grammar, Berlin, Straight Talk, Smooth Mixes, Bummer Pop.

Words and photocopies by Jon Bernson