Miss Gee: We Salute You!


Tears of joy! Campbell Gee has gone from being a perfect stranger to a brilliant contributor at The Wave to an incredible Instructor and Editor-in-Chief! True to form, Campbell continues to move forward, as she heads off to NYC, where she will attend the Fashion Institute of Technology and take the Big Apple by storm. We will miss you Campbell: inspiration to us all! Continue reading

The Significance Of Unimportance: P.A.I.N.T.I.N.G.: Terrible Parties in Art History

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Throughout history, women have had to put up with whatever the world had to throw at them, no matter how ridiculous, with a smile and a poised posture, no matter what form the all-accepting woman would take. However, several paintings have been pointed out to me by Fashion Soup for the Sartorial Soul’s lovely Campbell Gee show that this wasn’t always the case. From a modern mindset and knowledge of the world, the social women in these centuries-old paintings are clearly having not the best time at these so-called parties. To combine the modern standard of women with the previously fundamental and closed-minded expectations of the past, I inserted a modern version of communication – text messages – with thoughts of equally modern proportions likely to be going through the women’s minds. Continue reading

f-Art with Alana: Last Post

This week, instead of posting about other people’s food and art, I decided to focus on my own. In the spirit of aiming high, I chose to make pot de créme, a French dessert custard, that usually flavors in vanilla and chocolate! I’ve always enjoyed pot de créme, but have never attempted to make it before so I decided to give it a shot. Continue reading