The Wei 2 Play: My Favorite Game of All Time

Hey guys, Amanda here. Sorry it’s been a while! I decided to share with you guys some gameplay of my favorite game of all time, Killing Floor! It was created and officially released by Tripwire Interactive in 2009 and it is by far their best game (excluding Killing Floor 2, of course). I love their style and the smooth first-person shooter gameplay they provide, and have acquired many of my good friends playing this fantastic game! I hope you guys enjoy watching this clip as much as I did playing the game. Catch you later in the next post! Continue reading

The Wei 2 Play : Introgamery

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Hey, my name’s Amanda! Welcome to my column The Wei 2 Play! I will be uploading videos of my friends and I playing Starbound and Killing Floor. I will also play a random game once in a while, to keep it interesting. Feel free to hit me up with some game suggestions! I plan to talk about things related to the game I will be playing at the time and give tips about how to avoid making the mistakes we are probably going to make. Continue reading