Soul Searchin’: Love Me Harder

Hey y’all! It’s me, Gio, back from the dead. Now you all might be wondering why I haven’t posted a cover in three months—I was in my high school’s production of West Side Story! It was a fun and an amazing show to be in. I’ve been doing musicals since I was young, and I love to sing show tunes. I really loved to sing “America” because it was such an energetic number. It was great to meet new friends, but I’m really happy to be back at The Wave. Continue reading

Soul Searchin’: At Last

Hi everyone! I’m really excited about this because it is my first cover! This song, most famously covered by Etta James, was actually written for a musical film called Orchestra Wives. This was my first time recording a song professionally. Most of the songs I have sung have been live or not recorded at all. It was an interesting experience because, personally, I prefer to sing for big audiences. Singing and having only one person listening is scary for me. At first, I was nervous to record, but as I sang the song more times, I felt more confident and gave it my all.  Continue reading

Soul Searchin’: Introduction

Gio Header

Hello everybody! My name is Giovanna Soto and I’m a 16 year old junior at Lowell High School. I’ll be doing a column called “Soul Searchin’,” centered around covering blues, jazz, and soul songs. I want to cover these genres because they express emotion in ways that other types of songs can’t. When I sing a blues song, I feel like my audience and I can really connect to the lyrics.  Continue reading