Auditorium posts Halloween Soundscape: Haunted Headphones!

Happy Halloween everyone! Check out this haunted soundscape from our crew in the Auditorium audio class. To construct this collage of freaky sounds, they combined tones from keyboards, guitar pedals, furniture, the avenues, Golden Gate Park, string and wind instruments, and their own voices. Note: Do not play this around babies, anyone with heart problems, or persons with fragile mental states. You have been warned!

Led by Joel Tarman and Jon Bernson, AUDITORIUM is a collaboration between Sunset Youth Services, the Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center and SFUSD’s School of The Arts (SOTA).

How Not to Make Music: The State of Noodle

 Welcome to How Not To Make Music. Currently, I am a senior in high school and my main passion is music. I want to study composition in college, grow up, and become rich and famous by making awesome music. Unfortunately, I’m not there yet, but I want to invite you to join me on my journey and hopefully learn from my trials and terrors. In this blog, I’ll give you constructive advice about music composition, production, recording, and possibly performing as well. I’ll be using my music as the prime example of what not to do. Let’s begin… Continue reading

The Film Side of the Force : I’ll Have Eggs and Benedict Cumberbatch With That

You may have heard of him. He is undoubtedly sexy. He may not sing like Bruno Mars or have looks like Brad Pitt, but he has a classy demeanor and an accent to die for. He is Benedict Cumberbatch.

Benedict Cumberbatch was born on July 19, 1976 in Hammersmith, a borough of London, England. He stole the audience’s attention in his role as Khan in Star Trek: Out into Darkness and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy as Peter Gilman— but have you heard of his other films? Benedict is an exceptional master of drama and these films reflect this. Continue reading

Fashiondairy: The Watered-Down Athletic Tee

Hi everyone! My name is Jasmine and this is the first post of my column, Fashiondairy. With this column, I will blog about the different angles of the fashion world that many of us forget to notice. Putting a spin on fashion concepts and trends keeps me sane, so here’s a column that will hopefully make your moments of insanity a little more bearable. Happy reading!

Fashion has always borrowed from athletic wear. Mesh tanks, sneaker wedges, and the infamous Nike Free Runs have all bounced onto the runways of the fashion industry. For this post, we’re going to focus on the basic athletic tee, except today we’re going to make it “not-so-basic.” In an effort to take a staple like the sporty tee and transform it into an affordable and unique piece, I turned to my love of crafts and San Francisco’s very own 49ers.

Achieving the timeless double stripe and large graphic number of the athletic tee is no big feat. Here’s what I did… Continue reading

Sketchy People: Sketchy Telephone


Every now and then I come across overlooked, intriguing, simple, yet thought-provoking art. This art usually appears on a wooden desk and is made with a graphite No. 2 pencil. This art is usually inspired by boredom in the remaining 58 minutes and 23 seconds before the final bell rings. The art I speak of is The Doodle. My column aims to give The Doodle a little more respect. I want to see more of them and this craving inspired me to create this column for our blog. I am hoping to get people to uncover what’s on their mind by using the almighty Doodle. In each column I will be asking random people (“sketchy people,” if you will) to crank out a quick doodle. Each week will have a different theme.

For my first post, we played a game of “sketchy telephone.” I started with the word “fall.” I asked my first sketchy person to draw whatever came to mind when they heard the word “fall.” I collected their sketch and showed it to the next sketchy person. Each sketchy person’s sole inspiration came from the previous sketchy person’s drawing, without being aware of the initial word, “fall.” I continued this process numerous times and came up with the results you see below! Let me know what you think and feel free to add a comment below. Stay sketchy ya’ll! Continue reading

Cheap Shots: Glenn Jackson

Welcome to Cheap Shots! I’ve always been fascinated by photocopiers. When I was a kid, I used to go to work with my dad so I could use his computer and photocopier. When I was a kid, I liked people too. Now I’m all grown up and I get to work with photocopiers, computers, and people. This is my calling. This is my destiny. This is my column. Cheap Shots will reveal the people behind Sunset Media Wave and someday, the world. Cheap Shots for life!

Name: Glenn Jackson
Sunset Media Wave: Instructor / Editor / Founding member
Column: What Was I Thinking? A Trip Through One Man’s Unsavory Past
Nicknames: Jim Glennson, John Glennon
Overheard: “To succeed in humanity, you must dream, but not make the world within you unbearable, naturally.”
Specialties: Synthesizers, Grammar, Berlin, Straight Talk, Smooth Mixes, Bummer Pop.

Words and photocopies by Jon Bernson

I Shutter When I See You: Unlocking a Door

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“May I take a portrait of you?”
“I’ve been trying to unlock this door… but I would love you to.”

In the Mission

This is the first stranger portrait I ever took and I am quite proud of it. I love how open she looks and how her smile lights up her whole face. I am a bit disappointed that I took it when I was running late for a rehearsal because I regret not staying with her, talking, and actually seeing her open that door. Still, the words that I did get to hear from her seem an apt metaphor to me so I am not too fussed. She helped me unlock the door to this project and having her be so happy and willing to have me photograph her was fantastic.

A self-portrait inspired by this stranger is coming soon!

Words and portrait by Miranda Hollingswood

The Wave: Cut It Out!














Here at Sunset Media Wave, we are big fans of creativity and individuality. One hot day, we were all forced (just kidding) to participate in an extremely difficult activity: Making something out of nothing. HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!! The challenge? Make an object that represents our column out of cardboard, scented markers, and blue tape. Sounds artsy, doesn’t it? The whole idea was to look deep within ourselves and turn these limited materials into something fun and amazing. Over the course of a few hours, we turned blood, sweat, tears, and imagination into the objects below. Check ‘em out!

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