Shots Fired: Paintful Existence



I knew while creating my portfolio for art school, I wanted to showcase one photograph that would specifically highlight texture. I am a sucker for bold colors, so the first idea that popped into my head was to utilize paint. My original plan was to have somebody standing in the middle of a blank canvas, take multiple buckets filled with paint and completely drench my subject. The shot would be a still of the paint in motion featuring the person’s reaction. However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there wasn’t a clear message behind my photograph. For a few nights, I twisted and turned, thinking of how I could still take this idea of paint and execute art with meaning. Then it hit me: paint suicide.

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Shots Fired: “Supernatural”


‘What do you believe in?”

Do you ever get that question? I get it all the time. It usually pops up during late night sleepovers, long car rides where half my friends are asleep, or sometimes even during a meal. I am not a religious person, but when it comes to believing in something, I definitely have my  beliefs. People call me crazy and delusional, but that’s probably because they know I’m totally right (just kidding). You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? The creatures that lurk under your bed? The weird footstep sounds you hear when you get up to use the bathroom at night? The faint whisper of your name that comes from an unknown source as you trudge through the woods?! That’s right…the ghosts, the spirits…the supernatural.

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Shots Fired: It All Started With A Bang

shotsfiredbannerHey ladies and germs! It’s your girl, Yu Ling. You may remember me from the column Is This Loud Enough?. You have probably been wondering what I’ve been up to these past few weeks. To be quite honest, nothing really. (Totally kidding.) These past few weeks have actually been the craziest, busiest, and most rewarding weeks of my life. I recently graduated from high school, and the question everybody seems to be asking is “Where are you headed next year?”. The month of March, as many seniors know, is complete and utter hell. Acceptances and rejections from colleges all over the country make their way to your email inbox, and for me, my plans didn’t go exactly as expected. So I spent a good month moping about my crushed dreams, wiping off the tears of injustice from my face. I asked myself questions like “How will I ever make it to New York City?”, “Will I ever make it big and star on Saturday Night Live?” and of course, “What if Lady Gaga hates me and this is her trying to ruin my life?” As you can tell, I was having a real pity party.  It was not until mid-May that I realized the thing that was stopping me from pursuing my dream was myself. So I got out of my crusty clothes, threw away the scattered bags of Cheetos around my room, and decided to take action. This column will be showcasing what came out of those few weeks through a series of photographs, as well as my other creative projects! I hope you enjoy!

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