Imagine Cloud: Practice Will Weather the Storm


Today, instead of a video, I want to talk about a very important thing which should be common sense for a lot of people, but I didn’t realize how important it was until lately. What I am going to discuss about today is the importance of practice. Over the last couple weeks, I took a lot of time to look through my old sketchbooks from freshman year, and all I could think was, “Wow, these look terrible.” Of course they are terrible from my point of view, but they’ve also made me realize how much I’ve improved, and how years of practice got me to the way I draw today. I feel like people often think that when they see some amazing artwork, the first thing they think is how talented the artist is. However, often people overlook the thousands of hours spent to perfect themselves to the level that they are currently at. This does not apply to art, but to other areas as well, such as an athlete that makes something look effortless. To make it seem that way, they have spent a lot of time practicing.  Continue reading

Imagine Cloud: Cloudy With a Chance of Fire?

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Hello! I’m Darren from “Sunset Tutorials!” and NO this is not a tutorial! In my new column I’ll be taking things in a slightly different direction. I got some great inspiration over the summer from some other artists who take frequent screenshots of their works in progress. After recording the entire process of my drawing, I will then replay it, and then speed up what I recorded. Continue reading