fArt With Alana: Introduction


“Fart” contains two important components in our culture: Food and art. If you’ve had the pleasure of meeting me, you know that I am extremely critical and opinionated. Everyone is critical, some people simply choose to express their opinions more openly than others. I’m here to report about “Fart.” 

With that being said, I have chosen to look into establishments and organizations that promote local artists and feature their work. In doing so I will not only review these businesses and artists, but also interview the people behind the organization. To further my photography skills, I will be photographing the food, artists, and work I review. I believe that supporting local artists is extremely important. Without their communities’ support, they are unable to succeed. I’m extremely excited to have this opportunity to share my opinions on “Fart!”

To get to know me a little better, here are a few irrelevant facts about me:

  1. I’m a walking oxymoron; I’m the most emotionally unemotional, positively negative, seriously funny person you will ever meet.
  2. I like cats. A lot.
  3. I forgot to mention that my name is Alana Poole.
  4. When I have free time (rarely), it is spent watching Netflix.
  5. My instagram is @masterposey and I will be posting about some column-oriented photos on there as well.

 Words and image by Alana Poole.

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